Wednesday, July 10, 2013

GIVEAWAY......with some Bloglovin!!!

Hey y'all! So, I'm not having a giveaway, but I am participating in one! Everyone needs to go over and visit Kelly at Koonce's Korner for her 100 follower giveaway! She has a ton of great products and gift cards that are going to be given away!

I've donated my Monkey Money: Classroom Economy Pack to be given to the lucky winner! This system truly motivated my students this year to do their best to earn their money! I had a rule that students were only allowed to purchase items before the bell rang in the morning so no instructional time was wasted. I paid students before the bell as well, but next year I think I might pay out on Friday afternoons! Maybe if you win, you can tell me how it works for you!! :)

You need to go check out the giveaway! There are so many amazing bloggers giving away amazing prizes and gift cards. It truly is great to be part of such a wonderful bloggy family! :)

I've also decided to jump on the Bloglovin bandwagon! I'd love for you to Follow my blog with Bloglovin!


  1. Thanks for this shout-out!!! I have been off the face of the earth lately and just saw this!! You are awesome!!!



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